Two Japanese destroyers have begun a training session with a group of US carriers, including Carl Vinson in the Western Pacific while approaching the waters around the Korean Peninsula, the Japanese Navy reported. Two Japanese warships, Samidar and Ashigar, left western Japan on Friday to join Carl Vinson in solidarity while The United States faces North Korea because of their nuclear test program.

Increased tension with North Korea

Destroyers will "practice different tactics" with the American strike group, Reuters reports. President Donald Trump ordered the Carl Vinson group to enter the waters of the Korean Peninsula in response to increased tension with North Korea.

The Japanese army ordered warships to accompany Carl Vinson at least to the East China Sea, a source said for Reuters. But, he wanted to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

North Korea has announced that it is ready to sink an American aircraft carrier to show its military power after they received reports of the joint exercises of two Japanese destroyers in the US Pacific Group. President Donald Trump ordered an airborne carrier Carl Vinson to sail in the waters of the Korean Peninsula in response to the growing tension over North Korean nuclear testing.

The United States did not disclose where the exact group is located while approaching the area. US Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday that they would "arrive within a few days," but did not announce details.

"Our revolutionary forces are ready to submerge the US aircraft carrier with one single blow," says Rodong Sinmun, for Workers' Party newspaper. North Korea will mark the establishment of the Korean People's Army on Tuesday. Until now, the big anniversaries were usually marked by weapon testing and firing ballistic missiles.

This country has so far conducted five nuclear tests.

Security challenge

It is believed that the growing threat of North Korea's nuclear program is the most serious security challenge for President Donald Trump. He said he would prevent North Korea from attempting to hit the United States with nuclear weapons, and he stressed that all options on the table are open, including a military coup.

Japan's demonstration of naval power is the consequence of a growing concern that North Korea could engage in the use of chemical or nuclear weapons, according to Reuters. The Japanese naval forces are the second largest naval forces in Asia after the Chinese.

China, the only North Korean ally, is also opposed to the weapons program. China has called for calming down the tension. Meanwhile, the United States has invited China to do more to help reduce that tension.