Dynacraft is one of the leading producers of scooters, bikes, and ride-ons such as motorized cars and trucks. The company made history in the fall of 2016 with the release of their pumpkin-shaped “Disney Princess Carriage” which was truly the first motorized vehicle of its kind and topped the list of desirable Christmas toys. Regaled for its brilliantly designed, whimsically-shaped, colorfully rendered style and minuet attention to detail, the carriage topped the “hot toy lists” for the holiday season and created a stir throughout the toy industry.
In April of 2017, Dynacraft announced the launch of a "Disney Princess Carriage Video Campaign" that will give one lucky child a chance to win a free Disney Princess Carriage.
April is the month of “National Princess Week” and Dynacraft decided the best way to celebrate the occasion was to establish an exciting and fun Contest that will call forth girls’ creativity and imaginations. Hence, girls of age 10 or younger are being invited to submit a 15-second video to Dynacraft discussing what they personally believe it means to be a princess. The entry dates will run from Monday, April 24, to Sunday, May 7, 2017. The video must be submitted via the “contest” tab on the official Dynacraft website.
The 24V Disney Princess Carriage, which retails for $398 at Walmart, is a grand prize to behold. Shaped like Cinderella's famous pumpkin carriage, it is hued mostly pink and purple with silver sparkles embedded in most of the plastic and holographic silver star stickers placed throughout its surface. It also features translucent purple curtains entwined with shimmery silver threads, a heart-shaped back window, vibrant purple LED lights along its front, strong-grip wheels with a swirled pink filigree pattern and golden center, swirled purple plastic extensions on both the front and back that can serve as bumpers, a gold crown top decoration, a gold trunk/battery holder featuring a purple rhinestone, four gold lantern "coach" lights that attach to the sides and illuminate a lovely white glow, two doors with golden handles containing purple rhinestone accents, and room for two passengers along with secure seat belts.
The Carriage is intended for children ages two to eight and can hold up to 130 pounds. It also comes with a light-up wand that serves as a key to start and stop the purple LED lights on the front of the vehicle. On the dash board there is also a gold crown that matches both the wand and the jumbo-sized crown decoration on top of the carriage.
The smaller crown is intended to be worn by the "little princess" who is driving the carriage, or it can just stand as a dashboard decoration. Other noteworthy visual features include the interior seats which are made of purple plastic but designed to look like soft plush. Likewise, the purple-hued heart-shaped steering wheel has a pink rhinestone center that doubles as a horn, when you press down on it the horn lights up and sounds a singsong "twinkle" melody. As an added bonus, the bottom sides of the carriage feature images of some of Disney's most famous princess characters. The Princess Carriage takes approximately five hours to assemble and eighteen hours to charge and can run for about an hour without recharging.
The car is easy to handle, can reach speeds of approximately 5mph, and can go forward or in reverse via a purple gearshift with a rhinestone accent top. Moreover, the car has an excellent pedal start/stop system and is well proportioned so it will not tip over, assuring safety.