The news story that survived well past its expiration is the one about President Trump accusing former President Obama of wiretapping his phones at the Trump Tower hotel, without proof. The reason as to why the story wouldn't die was because certain Congressional committee powers decided to pursue evidence through the Department of Justice and the FBI which many critics said either entertains Trump's conspiracy theory or draws it out into the open to call his bluff.
News that hasn't taken hold, however, is the other claim Trump made against President Obama that he is also the source of leaks coming out of the White House. Since the beginning of Donald Trump's presidency, he's increased his attacks on the press which have reported stories that reflect on him negatively. All conflicts between his administration and the press came to a head when his national security advisor Gen. Michael Flynn resigned over "leaks" that said he had been in contact with the Russian government during the time that Obama imposed more sanctions on Russia and during an investigation against the transition team.
Before Wikileaks broke news on CIA
Soon after Flynn had resigned, both Donald Trump and his Press Secretary attacked the press suggesting that Flynn had resigned not because he was in communication with Russian officials but rather that he had deceived Pence and that the leaks revealing the calls were at fault. Press Secretary Sean Spicer would then enforced a temporary ban on some media outlets on behalf of Trump to get even with them. It was also reported that Spicer attempted to crack down on leaks from the White House by holding a surprise meeting with staffers, checking their phones for software he says are a violation of White House privacy rules.
More recently, however, Wikileaks released damning information about the capability of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hacking tools on electronic devices which forced Spicer to not only address the issue but do so in the context of the leaking of all or any information.
During a press briefing the following Wednesday after Wikileaks published the documents, he stated how there was a double-standard over the response of leaks under the Obama administration as opposed to the Trump administration. He also expressed some frustration on behalf of the White House that the focus on the controversy over Russian interference wasn't about the leaks but rather, what the leaks revealed.
Trump blames Obama
The President's praise of the Wikileaks organization when they released DNC emails that were allegedly stolen by Russian hackers during the campaign was brought up by Sean Spicer, suggesting there was a double-standard for the press be fine with those leaks and not the recent ones from the CIA.
President Trump has already both attacked and praised the intelligence community in much the same way as he has with any organization that has been against him. One report by CNN quoted the Press Secretary's response: "There is a big difference between disclosing Podesta -- John Podesta's Gmail accounts about a back-and-forth and his undermining of Hillary Clinton and his thoughts on her on a personal nature, and the leaking of classified information."
What hasn't changed is the approach the Trump administration (at least via Vice President Mike Pence) has adopted from Obama against Assange, the head of WikiLeaks, who is under the protection of the Ecuadorian government; where Pence said that the White House would use the full force of the law to go after WikiLeaks.
But this is where one becomes confused between what the Trump White House says and what it actually does as President Trump has had little to nothing to say about Wikileaks news since it leaked CIA documents to reveal his views. When President Trump was on Fox News Wednesday night, he repeated what Spicer said during the March 8 press briefing that the CIA had been hacked under Obama, saying the leaks were the former President's fault.