The Web is reeling this morning from Snoop Dogg's video in which a clown dressed as President Trump is shot with a toy gun. Given the viral nature of anything that stimulates curiosity, it is safe to say that this could become a global occasion for a discussion of limits, political correctness and the part that President Trump may play in bringing the issue of violence front and center.

Neither Twitter Moments nor the New York Times has yet noted this event, but it is safe to say that they will as the day progresses.

What is this saying?

Many find this video goes past even the most liberal interpretation of free speech because it involves a graphic representation of shooting of a human being. In the case of this video. the human being is identified and made the subject of language that conveys no remorse, Some are surmising that Snoop meant to provoke a global a condemnation of all violence. But an examination of reactions on Twitter reveals alternative viewpoints.

Twitter verses

Some feel that to condemn gun violence and at the same time seem to endorse it is simple hypocrisy. @liberallogic says, "He actually glorifies guns in his music." Some are wondering why the Secret Service is not on the rapper's case. Others observe that there have been similar episodes of acting out aimed at other celebrities including presidents.

Some wondered why the Snoop video, which is angry, graphic and explicit, led FOX News today while other channels were concerned with healthcare. The reason seems complex yet clear enough. Fostering a mood of excited confusion serves to divert attention away from trains of thought that might lead beyond such chaos. Said more simply, we don't take the time to think and that's where the ratings are.

What will Trump say?

Donald Trump is not innocent when it comes to celebrating violence but being president may have a sobering effect. Should he one day have a revelation that the time has come to make a giant step and rid the world of its most violent solutions, that might be the best possible end to this less than conclusive narrative.