The Young Turks featured former spokesperson for President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, Katrina Pierson, in a recent video, where host Cenk Uygur observed that the Kilgore College and University of Texas graduate had made a name for herself by saying "outrageous things" on television. Mr. Uygur cited Raw Story research that detailed Pierson's assertion that former President Barack Obama was responsible for U.S. soldier Humayun Khan's death in 2004, even though Obama was only a senator, at the state level, at that point, and despite the fact that President Trump has been quoted stating support for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, Katrina Pierson has "flat-out" denied it.

President Trump still hasn't released copies of his income tax returns, going against the practice of all presidents dating back over thirty years. Katrina Pierson called submitting tax returns a "novelty tradition." The TYT host spoke about Pierson's loyalty to Donald Trump, which he described as, at one point, possibly putting her in contention for a position in the Trump administration.

Several loyal Trump supporters passed over

Mr. Uygur listed others, along with Katrina Pierson, including Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, and Scottie Nell Hughes, who displayed intense loyalty to Trump, but, in the end, were passed over for cabinet positions. The 46-year-old TYT founder spoke about members of the list having a lack of "cold, hard cash" to keep the president's attention.

Cenk Uygur turned to the reported reason that Katrina Pierson was passed over because she was "too combative, and unstable." The host held up that the Trump campaign's directed Ms. Pierson to act in precisely such a fashion. A source from the Trump campaign reportedly explained that Pierson complained to other members of staff that she was upset that Sean Spicer was chosen as the White House press secretary, news of which reached Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner, who, it is said, "didn't want to deal with that sort of drama."

Pierson gets 'consolation prize'

The TYT founder noted that, when drama works in the favor of President Trump and his administration, they are all too happy to embrace it, but that when drama turns against them, a different position is assumed.

Uygur stated that, even though Katrina Pierson didn't get a position with the Trump White House, she has been given a job with American First Policies, a pro-Trump advocacy group. The host described the position as a "consolation prize." The Daily Caller quoted Pierson from earlier in her career, saying that Republicans are "racists." The conservative publication reports that Pierson voted for Barack Obama in 2008.