I think it is safe to say that just about every millennial loves Snapchat. Whether you are communicating with your friends through snap message or posting a story for all your friends to see, or even sending friends private photos at your selection-- you can almost guarantee you will see a Snap picture at some point during the day of someone trying out the newest daily Snapchat filter.

Users will then often save those photos taken on Snapchat in the cute flower girl or dog filter, save them and post to Facebook as a photo which people will comment on and/or 'like' on the Facebook Platform.

Facebook wants in on the filter trend and they are making it happen....

Facebook has witnessed the trend for filters and wants to get in on the action. Starting Tuesday, Facebook users around the world will be able to use the latest Snapchat-like features on the Facebook platform.

Facebook will release a new button on top of the news feed with over 100 animated overlays and effects. The filters contain everything from masks, rainbows, hats, glitter, etc.

Some even think the Facebook filters and overlays are even better than Snapchats....Uh-oh.

Watch out Snapchat-- you've got some competition...

Like Snapchat, the filters on Facebook that you can post come with little narratives and filters that will also disappear after a day of posting.

The Facebook filter stories will appear similar to Instagram stories with a row of circles on the top of the user's news feed, showing your closest Facebook friends first.

Facebook is also adding an even cooler feature where you can share stories or photos directly with individual friends, and you do not even have to open the Messenger app!

Facebook, in 2013, attempted to make a deal with Snapchat for $3 billion dollars and ever since then has tried to imitate the popular social sharing platform and its features on its own platform. Snapchat since not accepting the deal years ago, has since gone public and now creates Snap glasses which are all the trend right now as well.

It will be interesting to see if the new Facebook filters can compete with Snapchat.