It is sad that so many animals endure abusive situations yet most seem to bounce back to find happiness. With their unconditional loving nature, dogs often forgive and love the ones that actually cause them harm. Several dogs in the Texas area have been rescued after going through some terrifying situations only to get a second chance at life when brought to the Austin Pets Alive (APA). What is really amazing is how these unfortunate animals help one another to walk again, love and live happily.
Getting to know Elsa Rose, Danali, and Starfish
In Texas Park, rescuers found a sweet, young Siberian husky mix wandering around, dragging her legs behind her.
The one-year-old that they named Elsa Rose could barely stand up on her own. When brought to APA, they had to make the difficult decision to amputate her apparently injured legs. After a thorough exam, it was determined that the pup had a condition known as swimmer’s syndrome. The condition is described as the inability to stand with the lack of strength in the legs. Apparently, her owners abandoned Elsa Rose due to the condition. She had to endure surgery but is now doing great in the home of Ms. Wright, her foster parent. After recovery and physical therapy, Elsa Rose is full of life and spirit.
Danali was found in late January with a bullet from a pellet gun lodged in her spine. Danali is a five-month-old boxer mix with a shy and scared demeanor.
The bullet is unable to be removed, and she will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. When Denali was brought to the foster home and began engaging with high-spirited Elsa Rose, she came out of her shell to be a happy, social puppy.
Starfish is a six-month-old Pitbull mix also suffering from swimmer’s syndrome who was found abandoned in a box at a park.
She is unable to move as much as the other two pups at the Wright foster home although she can frequently be seen cuddling with them. Because of her “grunts,” she is pegged as the “seal pig” of the group. All these dogs are lucky to have found a safe haven and a second chance at life.
How Elsa Rose helps the other dogs feel safe and happy
After the young husky mix had entered the home of Ms. Wright, her foster mom stated that she is one of the most resilient, happy dogs, friendly with other dogs, the cats, and the kids. She gets excited when a new puppy or kitty enters the home and is often found snuggling up with them. She quickly bonded with both Danali and Starfish, getting them to play and move around more freely. The dogs all formed an adamant bond. Her ability to socialize with the other recovery pups proved to be a significant aid, motivating them to stay alive. Psychologist, writer, and professor Stanley Coren confirms that dogs do tend to learn from one another, modeling their behavior.
This is known as allelomimetic behavior or group coordinated behavior dependent upon the inclination to want to be with other dogs and follow their lead.
As a result of their interaction and following the lead that Elsa Rose exhibits, Danali is getting stronger every day and has learned how to use the doggy door. However, she cries and barks when separated from her pal. All three gals, including Starfish, are getting the best possible care and love playing with one another when not snuggling and cuddling together. After therapy, the dogs will be available for adoption at Austin Pets Alive. You can check out the APA Facebook page to follow the progress of these beautiful pups.