Michael Savage, one of Donald Trump's most vocal supporters during the 2016 presidential election, claims that he was attacked at a California restaurant on Tuesday evening by an anti-Trump assailant. Savage, who hosts the nationally syndicated "Savage Nation" program, was enjoying dinner at Servino Ristorante in Tiburon when he was reportedly taunted by another diner who was chanting "weiner, weiner"-- in reference to the talk radio host's legal name, Michael Alan Weiner.

Police confirm incident

As Savage attempted to leave the restaurant, the heckler approached the 75-year-old talk show host, insulted him, and then knocked him to the ground.

According to Savage's attorney, Daniel Horowitz, a Good Samaritan attempted to break up the altercation but was punched in the face by the unidentified heckler, whom Savage described as being approximately 6 feet and 5 inches in height. The Daily Mail reports that the incident has been confirmed by the Tiburon Police Department.

Police arrived at the scene shortly before 8:30 on Tuesday evening and discovered that Savage and his attacker had placed each other under citizen's arrest. After questioning both men, police let them go, much to Savage's chagrin. "This guy can't get away with that," said Savage to his attorney during a post-altercation phone call, as reported by California's Mercury News.

Horowitz disputes the alleged attacker's claim that it was his client who started the altercation, pointing out to Mercury News that Michael Savage is a 75-year-old man who's 5 feet 6 inches tall who also happened to be dining at the restaurant with Teddy -- his beloved 12-year-old toy poodle.

Savage claims it's open season on Trump supporters

Savage then told his tale of woe to Breitbart News. During an exclusive interview published Thursday, Savage upbraided anti-Trumpers for their violent behavior. "It is clearly open season on prominent Trump supporters," stated Savage, theorizing that the "fascist left" has been empowered by their own false narrative that Trump supporters are the evil fascists.