Trump Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos, when asked about her position on guns in schools, stated that as she sees it, some schools, in "states like Wyoming" may need guns to defend themselves against grizzly bears. DeVos, whose Cabinet nomination is the most divisive one in recent memory, will know her fate by the end of the day as the U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote on the nomination today.
Democratic Party Senators staged a marathon session in the Senate all night on Monday evening and into Tuesday morning in an effort to convince one more GOP Senator to vote against DeVos's nomination.
Two GOP Senators voting against DeVos
Thus far, there are two GOP Senators who have vowed to vote "No" on DeVos's nomination, Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). If the Democratic Senators are able to convince just one more GOP Senator to vote against DeVos, they will prevail. However, if the Democratic Senators are unable to woo one more GOP Senator, then the vote will result in a tie on the Senate Floor.
If that is the case, Vice-President Mike Pence, who has no experience in Congress whatsoever, will have to "break the tie" by voting himself and DeVos will be confirmed as the nation's Education Secretary by just one vote. If that scenario does play itself out, it will be the first time in American history that a Cabinet nominee will have been confirmed by the vote of a sitting Vice-President of the United States who is voting to break a tie vote in the U.S. Senate.
DeVos's support of school vouchers
President Donald Trump, whose own Vice-President Mike Pence stated that the President will not overturn President Barack Obama's executive order prohibiting discrimination against members of the LGBTQ Community, finds himself in the position of having nominated an Education Department Secretary whose credentials and qualifications are being challenged by both Democrats and Republicans across the nation.
Among the issues on which so many people are challenging DeVos's qualifications is her support of school vouchers. Other people challenge Devos's total lack of experience as a student or a teacher at any public schools in America, while others are concerned over her seemingly superficial and "dismissive" answers to questions from senators, such as the question on her position on guns in schools.
The intended purpose of an Education Secretary
As many observers see it, the intended purpose of the office of Education Secretary is to help public school districts, individual schools, teachers, school administrators and students all throughout America. It is highly questionable whether or not DeVos will fulfill these functions as Education Secretary in light of her total lack of exposure to the public schools of America.
Trump inadvertently appoints Steve Bannon to NSC
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump inadvertently appointed Steve Bannon to the National Security Council when he signed an executive order calling for the appointment. Bannon currently is Trump's Chief Strategist and has been gaining power and momentum in the new Trump Administration over Reince Priebus. Trump is said to be very angry over the "accidental appointment," especially considering that he is trying to convince people on the domestic and international stages that he is in charge and "on top of things" at the White House.