The week and a half that Donald Trump has been president has only highlighted the wide political divide in the United States. After signing his controversial "Muslim ban" executive order, backlash quickly followed, which was evident during a town hall event with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi on Trump

The 2016 presidential election was one of the most controversial in recent history. As the political left and right continue to butt heads, Donald Trump has signed several executive orders over the last week that has continued the tension in Washington.

When Trump signed his executive order last Friday that limited travel to select Muslim countries, the result was outrage among critics of the new administration. Protests took place around the country in various airports after news broke that certain Muslims were detained inside. This issue was front and center during a town hall event on CNN with Nancy Pelosi, as reported on January 31.

As Nancy Pelosi was taking questions from the audience, one woman was curious about the aforementioned "Muslim ban." The woman in question was named Bushra, who revealed that she was a refugee from Yemeni and that her mother was now unable to enter the United States because of Trump's executive order.

Bushra asked Pelosi what she and other Democrats will do to help "ensure that more families are not torn apart." In response, Pelosi didn't hold back her thoughts about the former host of "The Apprentice."

"Your family is suffering because our president is reckless," Nancy Pelosi told Bushra, while stating, "his administration is incompetent." Not stopping there, the Democratic leader continued to rip into the new commander in chief.

"How and why they did this is because they're grand illusionists," she said, before adding, "Every time they have a problem with something, they create another problem." Pelosi continued, expressing her support for the recent protests.

Moving forward

After two Iraqi travelers were detained at Kennedy International Airport last Saturday, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the administration, leading to a federal judge ordering a stay on the order. As of press time, Donald Trump doesn't appear willing to back down, creating even further issues between the left and right in the United States.