Since the day he announced his plan to run for president, Donald Trump has been accused of being a racist by many of his critics. Fast forward to present day and Trump is now the commander in chief, though he is still defending himself from the allegations, which was highlighted during an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News.

Trump on Fox News

Donald Trump kicked off his campaign for president by referring to illegal immigrants from Mexico as "rapists" and "murderers." Due to his remarks, the billionaire real estate mogul was quickly criticized by the media, with liberal opponents labeling him a "racist" and "prejudice." In the months that followed, many of Trump's proposals and actions, including the proposed Muslim ban, and harsh words that many believe were directed at the African-American community, have resulted in the new president being unable to erase the racist stigma.

As seen on the January 26 edition of "Hannity" on Fox News, Trump addressed the issue head on.

Joining Fox News host Sean Hannity was Donald Trump, who made sure to carve out some time for bashing the media. "These are very hostile people. These are very angry people," Trump said, while adding, "The media is very dishonest." Trump then went on to cite a recent report that falsely claimed he removed the Martin Luther King Jr. bust from the Oval Office. The report was retracted, but that was all Trump needed to speak out.

"See, that's a very serious charge," Donald Trump said of the aforementioned MLK bust report.

"They are not saying the bust is taken out, what they are saying is that I'm a racist. That's what they are saying," he continued. The former host of "The Apprentice" went on to explain that after the story was retracted, the mainstream media never bothered to focus on the correction. The former host of "The Apprentice" pushed back at the allegations of racism, explaining that he has "great respect" for Martin Luther King.

Trump then shifted away from the issue racism, instead going after the media for smearing his recent speech to the CIA that he said "was really a 10."

Moving forward

Donald Trump has engaged in a war of words with the media for sometime, but it appears that the relationship is in worse shape now that he is in the White House. While both sides could patch things up, it doesn't seem like it will be happening anytime soon.