On Tuesday morning, former President George W. Bush joined President Obama and Vice President Biden as they made their way to a memorial service in Dallas, Texas for the victims of the recent sniper shooting. While both presidents gave a heartwarming speech, Republicans were quick to criticize Obama, while staying silent over Bush's dance moves caught on camera.
Bush dancing in Dallas
During his eight years in office, Bush was the butt of many jokes. In addition to questionable policy decisions, Bush would often butcher the English language and find himself in situations that many were quick to criticize. Joining hands with his wife Laura and First Lady Michelle Obama, Bush started dancing during a musical number, as reported by The Hill on July 12.
As a local choir sang "Battle Hymn of the Republic," Bush was caught bouncing back and forth and dancing with a smile on his face. The president and first lady gave an awkward to smile as they turned their heads at Bush, but social media wasn't as kind.
"Was that George W. Bush next to Michelle Obama rocking out to "Glory Hallelujah" during the police memorial?" one Tweet read, saying, "Even Biden knows better." "I wonder if Bush was drunk in the memorial service in Dallas," another Tweet said, "He was dancing to "Glory, glory, alleluia."
Republican silence
As Obama gave his speech honoring the officers, where he called for unity while praising the Dallas Police Department, Republicans on social media were quick to offer their thoughts. Words like "disgrace" and "hate" were thrown around to describe Obama and his speech, despite most media outlets applauding the president's message. Despite this, conservatives went silent when Bush was caught dancing at the memorial, in another prime example of partisan politics.
Ever since the shooting last week, Republicans have been quick to link the commander in chief to the deaths of the five officers. Even though Obama has spoken out against the shooting, ending his trip to Europe early to attend the service in Dallas. the GOP continues to remain hard-lined with their opposition.