Regulator Watch in Canada has released a video explaining the troubles vaping businesses now face in the Province of Quebec, Canada. Bill 44 was unanimously passed by the National Assembly regulating vaping products as tobacco, despite research and testimonyshowing them asa less harmful alternative to stop smoking. Bill 44 classifies vapor products as cigarettes, and advertising and use of vaping products in public places is now against the law.

Retailers and employees of vape shops are under strict censorship. It is also now illegal to share any information about vaping on social media and company websites.

Customers who might want togive a reviewcould find thatcanalso be construed as an advertisement. Companies are being monitoring by inspectors both in stores and online, and fines for infractions start at $5,000.00 - and could reach 1 million dollars, according to a spokesperson for the Canadian Vaping Association.

There are obstacles

Censorship of pricing is another obstacle. Retailers can no longer have pricing on the product they carry but are allowed to have a small sign in the space of four square feet. No informative books, magazines, articles or verbal information of harm reduction to the customer are allowed to be relayed by the stores. The Canadian Vaping Association has plans to challenge these restrictive laws placed on their businesses, and have over a hundred trade members joining in the fight.

Information is still available

There is information availableabout vaping products being a less harmful alternative, despite the law, and the TobaccoHarmReductionAssociationofCanada (THRA) has it readily available. Ray Yeates says it is his "responsibility and even duty to disobey any such unjust law" and he's not going to be censored easily.

Another of the THRA group is Registered NurseKellie Forbes, a member of Medical Organizations supporting Vaping and Electronic Cigarettes (M.O.V.E.). Bound by professionalethics that include a commitment to comprehensive research, promoting justice and moral courage as defined in the Canadian Nursing Association, Kellie published "Vaping, The Truth" in both a Canadian and an American version.

She has been working tirelessly alongside Ray and other members of THRA, giving officials copies of her paper, presenting at Edmonton city council, and relaying the benefits of thetobacco harm reduction that vaping products provide.

Motivation and teamwork with vision

THRA is considering anew tool for getting information to smokers "where the facts matter and the information is clear". Some people are not on the internet, so to find out about how vapor products work, information may be a 1-800 phone call away. The motivation this group has to help those who need it most is visionary. They want to reach everyone who wants to be fully informed, and they're not going to sit quietly. The strategy is to have proper information uncensored and available for smokers.

Kellie stated the intention of the THRA is "to empower people to make an informed decision about vaping". As well as the work the members of this group do, people like Kellie also have full time jobs. Being a nurse is important, but according to Ray, "Most importantly, she represents tobacco harm reduction and the dying smokers", something lawmakers in Quebec want to restrict, censor and ignore.