Authorities associated with the US-Mexico border wall have confirmed that "controlled blasting" has started at a UNESCO recognized natural reserve. It is the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Arizona. The United Nations had identified this as an International Biosphere Reserve in 1976 because it was "a pristine example of an intact Sonoran Desert ecosystem."

The work on the border wall has also led to the destruction of Native American burial sites in the region.

Raul Grijalva, a Democratic congressman, described it as "sacrilegious" and said that the government did not have any dialogue on the subject with the Tohono O'odham Nation before the commencement of work on the wall. Environmental groups have also raised objections. They mentioned damage to the environment. The Mexico Border wall obstructs free movement of wildlife in the desert located about 115 miles west of Tucson.

The BBC says the purpose of the project was to build a sufficiently tall steel barrier that would run for 43 miles on the national park land. Raul Grijalva represents a district that shares 400 miles of border with Mexico.

He expressed concerns over the destruction of the burial sites of two tribes because of the construction. He said, “What we saw on Monument Hill was opposing tribes who were respectfully laid to rest - that is the one being blasted with dynamite."

Controversies over Mexico Border wall

The wall was a promise that Donald Trump had made during his presidential campaign in 2016. He wanted to build the Mexico border wall to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons into the United States. They fell in the broad categories of illegal immigrants or drug smugglers. However, progress on his dream project is slow. There are delays and 2020 elections are round the corner. He wants a second term in the White House but the wall is facing problems.

These relate to issues like Native American graves, endangered species, and the environment. The White House has waived many laws pertaining to subjects that have links with society.

The BBC reports Raul Grijalva, a Democratic congressman, said the destruction of the burial site amounts to cultural damage. One portion contained artifacts dating back thousands of years. He said this in the course of interviews with US media. Tribal chairman Ned Norris Jr added that the US government owns the land now but "we have inhabited this area since time immemorial." It seems the Trump administration was aware that many sites in the Organ Pipe would have to be demolished to make way for the wall.

Slow pace of work on Mexico Border wall

According to the Washington Post, the progress of work on the Mexico border wall is slow. The president had indicated completion of more than 500 miles of new barriers by early next year. When he promised the wall, he said Mexico would pay for the project. However, that has not happened and the U.S. government is funding it at an astronomical cost. The wall consists of steel bollards. These are anchored in concrete and are 18 to 30 feet high. There are provisions of lighting, cameras, sensors and improved roads. These will help U.S. agents to ensure better control at the borders. So far, about 110 miles of the wall is complete. In order to meet the target set by the president, the pace of work has to increase.

Mexico Border wall is Trump’s dream project

The border between the United States and Mexico is nearly 2000 miles long. There are man-made barriers like walls and fencing that separates the two countries and there are natural barriers like bodies of water and mountains. It was a practice for people to cross over from Mexico and enter America through the gaps. Some of them were illegal immigrants or drug smugglers. Donald Trump wanted to make America safe and prevent the entry of such persons. He felt a secure wall would be an ideal solution.