Climate change is a global issue and Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenager, has taken it up in real earnest. She traveled across the Atlantic by yacht and is in New York outside the UN Headquarters. Her mission is to raise awareness levels about the evils of climate change across boundaries. She has succeeded in making an impression on the younger generation and hordes of them joined her in the city. Their presence has boosted the environment movement. Greta, accompanied by a couple of young activists, went inside the UN for a meeting with a senior leader.

It was a spontaneous invitation and the Swede described it as “very supportive.”

The Guardian takes note of the thousands of American teens who gathered. They were excited to be a part of the new global revolution on the most talked about subject, namely climate change. Some of them said this was “their first ever climate demonstration.” Some others admitted their passion about the environment and said Greta Thunberg has galvanized them into action.

Greta Thunberg wants to make a difference

The Swedish teenager crossed the Atlantic in a yacht and landed in New York.

She preferred the sea route in a boat instead of the air route because of concerns of the polluting emissions. The journey took two weeks and when Greta Thunberg arrived at the United Nations headquarters, there was a huge crowd of American teens waiting to welcome her. They were part of a mission to force their elders to focus on the need to take immediate action to reverse the crisis resulting from climate change.

There were hand-drawn placards with relevant messages to draw attention to the core issue and young speakers expressed their opinions.

The Guardian adds that Thunberg and two other activists went inside the UN.

It was at the invitation of the General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa. Greta will speak here next month at the climate action summit. During interaction with Espinosa, they discussed topics like global warming, forest fires, and single-use plastics. In Greta’s words, her generation has to “clean up” the climate crisis. She made a mention of Donald Trump and said he should “listen to the science.”

The Swedish teenager is serious

According to Euronews, Greta Thunberg wants to make a statement to the world on climate change because, unless checked, it could lead to major issues related to the wellbeing of the world. The 16-year-old is a Swedish climate activist and came into the limelight last year when she started missing school on Fridays.

It was to protest against political inaction on the issue, which is destroying the environment. That inspired youth all over the world to follow her. She traveled to the US in a carbon-free sailboat and arrived in New York. Here she met other teenagers who support the cause. She is in the city to attend the UN Climate Change Summit in September.