With just four days until the Fourth of July holiday arrives, folks all across America are planning their annual barbecue gatherings, family get-togethers and of course lighting fireworks. While a lot of people love a great fireworks display, like the one Macy's had in 2017, it is important to keep in mind that most four-legged furry creatures don’t. In fact, this time of year is one of the worst for pet owners.
From firecrackers to major explosions, the noise factor can get quite out of hand on the days leading up to July 4, and while it doesn’t bother some people, it can have a very damaging effect on animals. With all the booms, whistles and explosions that go on throughout the nights leading up to the holiday, and especially the night of the fourth, fireworks can become more frightening than festive, bringing out stress and anxiety for both Pets and their owners.
Helpful tips
So with the anticipation of another Fourth of July looming right around the corner, what are the best ways for animal owners to prepare?
According to Tucson News Now, there are several tips you can follow to make the holiday more festive than frightful. One of the best and most obvious tips for pet owners is to keep your dog or cat inside the house - especially as dusk approaches.
Sadly, a lot of pets run away from home and are lost during this week-long celebration of our country, because they get so worked up and scared they search out shelter, even if that means leaving the backyard to do so. Keep those furry guys in the house once the sun begins to fade! Some other great tips that can help are listed below.
Stay calm: just like children, animals pick up on our moods. If you happen to be overly anxious or worried, your pet's behavior may be influenced by your stress level.
Exercise early and often: Exercising your pet during the late AM or early PM hours before the fireworks begin helps to settle them down at night. Just like us humans, they will tire out and want to sleep.
Turn up the volume: Create a special safe space in the quietest room of the home for the pet to run to when loud noises scare them. Adding a few extra blankets and pillows to absorb the sound is always a good idea. Also, if you are a music lover, turn up the volume a bit to offset the booming noise of the fireworks. The same can be done for the TV as well.
ID: If you don't have a name tag for your little friend, get one! ID badges help out tremendously when an animal strays away from home. Just make sure they include more than the animals name.
Don't forget a phone number or a way you can be contacted on social media.
Pets aren’t alone
Remeber why we are celebrating our country this week, because we are the land of the free! However, many men and women who have fought for our freedom do not care for fireworks, and we should respect that as well. As indicated by KMPH, fireworks can be hard for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Retired Army Command Sergeant Art Granado said during a recent interview that the flashy lights and loud noise can cause severe anxiety for a vet with PTSD. Granado added that signs are available in many states that read "Combat Veteran lives here: Please be courteous with fireworks." Sure, we all want to have a great time this holiday season, but remember not everyone enjoys the noise. Have fun, be safe and most of all be aware of your surroundings and how your actions may affect others.