Car marketing is quickly changing the way auto shopping is done. Many new approaches have been developed to help customers. The used car business is responsible for millions of dollars and has been a growing force in the industry. With today’s technology, car websites and Mobile Apps are helping people learn all they should about the car they are interested and helps guide them to better opportunities.

According to Autodata, 88 percent of consumers buying a car use the internet to shop. People are able to use multiple devices allowing them to shop more effectively.

Autodata also reported that car buyers take many things into factor when purchasing a vehicle. Automotive market apps make it easier by giving a board array of information making the marketplace easier to shop. People are using mobile apps to check prices, compare different models, getting a dealer or private seller info, and finding out how much the current value of the car owned for trade- in value.

The Federal Trade Commision oversees the car industry and makes the rules for dealers and auto markets to ensure consumers get a fair deal. The FTC reports that buying a car is one of the biggest decision next to buying a home a person has. They recommend that buyers should know as much as possible about all aspects of buying a car.

The FTC also has established privacy laws to protect consumers information when shopping for a car at a dealership or when using a mobile app.

Mobile car apps

Mobile apps are making shopping and learning about cars a lot easier for people. No longer do people have to feel the high-pressure sales when they step onto a dealership lot when just browsing for a car.

creative marketing strategies like mobile apps allow people to shop from the comfort of home, work or anywhere without having to run around and making a lot of phone calls. Car market apps not only allow consumers to research but also can help with financing, car insurance, and repairs. Making shoppers better-informed about their purchases and some mobile apps like are helping people sell their cars privately. takes things a step farther by helping people sell their cars privately. Providing sellers with just a few photos of your vehicle, they will help you sell your vehicle. They will help the seller connect with the buyer and will also help arrange for the car to be test driven. helps the seller receive the best purchase price. The seller is not charged anything and receives all the money from the sale. has hired experts to help assist with financing, purchasing, trade-ins, information, location, and test drives over a very secured platform. By helping the customer with everything they make shopping for a car easy and convenient. is growing very quickly nationwide allowing their customers control and changing how car sales are made.

F&I and Showroom reported that recently joined with Ally GAP and Ally Premiere Protection and offer vehicle service contracts that protect the consumers. Since the laucnh of Blinkers in 2013 by founder Rod Buscher, they have earned $44 million in sales.


Truecar is another mobile app helping consumers. Truecar helps buyers connect to dealerships by doing the work for you. They help people get the best sticker price and allow their customers to compare prices.They update their vehicle data regularly, giving people information so they can decide what the better deal is.

Truecar allows shoppers to take photos and scan the window sticker price to make comparisons while at a dealer. Shopping for a new car or a used car can be frustrating and very time-consuming. It can take weeks and even months to find the right car. Mobile apps are saving time and are able to meet consumers' needs, making car shopping easier. Keeping up with technology and new trends in car marketing improves and increases business, making everyone satisfied.