A Tennessee woman received the final bouquet on her 21st birthday from her father who died of pancreatic cancer. Her father died five years ago when he was only 56. The letter, which was delivered along with the bouquet, made her day beautiful and sad at the same time. Bailey Sellers' father, Michael Williams Sellers, who died after five years of battling pancreatic cancer, planned the delivery of flowers for his 16-year-old daughter every year on her birthday until she turned 21.

Bailey received her last gift from her dad, a beautiful purple flower, and a card which she shared with her followers in a touching tweet. This post touched hearts all over the world.

Her tweet generated many responses

Bailey’s 21st and last birthday gift from her dad made her day both heartwarming and sad. She poured out her heart on Twitter and shared how much she misses her dad. This post was accompanied by a photo of the purple Flower her father sent to her and his last message on a card. Her tweet got numerous responses, even from people who didn’t know her. The post has gone viral with over 11,000 comments, 220 retweets, and over a million likes.

One of her Twitter followers @thesn0wmexican responded: “I don't know you but seeing this made me tear up, I’m so sorry for your loss, this is both sad and heartwarming that he did that to you.”

Her father’s heartwarming message on the card touched hearts

Michael Sellers sent his daughter a touching message in the card that was delivered alongside the purple flower. His gesture, combined with his note on the card, touched the hearts of people all over the world. Her father’s final note was neatly handwritten on the card. In the letter, he told Bailey that it was his last love letter to her and asked her not to shed a tear because he is in a better place. However, he advised her to be respectful towards her mother and herself.

He promised to be with her during hard times and encouraged her to be happy and live life to its fullest.

Having shared her father's last words to her, it didn't take long for people to react and express how touching his gesture was. One of her Twitter followers, whose dad passed away in a car accident when she was 3, tweeted that the post made her cry because if her dad knew he would die, he would have written her a similar letter. On Saturday afternoon, Bailey tweeted a post of gratitude for all the messages she got on her birthday stating how thankful she was that her dad’s thoughtfulness brought happiness to so many people.