In the past three years, noninvasive cosmetic procedures have witnessed an explosion in popularity. This comes as no accident, with many plastic surgeons attributing the popularity of these cosmetic procedures to the Kardashian family and social media.
Both Millennial and Baby Boomer generations are becoming clients of plastic surgery clinics in equal measure. Some call the effects scary.
The selfie generation
The Millennials are hugely influenced by pop culture and social media, which is why they have been nicknamed as the selfie generation. In turn, this has produced an entirely new clientele for plastic surgeons worldwide.
Now, patients ranging in age from early twenties to early thirties, and even teenagers, are undergoing cosmetic procedures to get ahead of the aging process. Botox still reigns supreme as the number-one nonsurgical procedure. However, between 2011 and 2016, Botox use among Millennials has jumped 87 percent. Millennials, ages 19 to 34, account for the 18 percent of total noninvasive cosmetic procedures performed.
The Kardashian effect
Dr. Simon Ourian became famous due to his association with the Kardashians. He has called them the “biggest influencing power force behind any concept that happens on social media” today, as the family has more than half-a-billion followers on social media between them.
Indeed, procedures underwent by Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner have started trends. Dr. Jean-Louis Sebagh has criticized the effects the family has had on young girls, calling them "damaging". For example, he stated that Kylie Jenner is the reason teenagers as young as 16 flocked to his office to fill their lips. He also added that celebrities are becoming increasingly more open about their cosmetic procedures, and are at the same time normalizing a longtime taboo, which makes millions of their followers want to emulate them. Some plastic surgeons are horrified by the effects Botox has had on Millennials, and are admitting they can no longer differentiate between someone aged 30 and 50.