Caryn Azoff is an Artist who creates colorful geometric patterns that look as appealing on paper as they do in murals. Born in Los Angeles, California, and raised in Connecticut, Caryn now lives and works in New Haven. She holds both a Bachelors and Master degree which she earned at Central Connecticut State University. Currently represented by New York’s Susan Eley Fine Art, Caryn’s art is presently on display in various locations throughout the United States.

She recently discussed her artwork and her plans for the future.


Blasting News (BN): What geared you towards becoming an artist?

Caryn Azoff (CA): Pencils and crayons. My earliest memories are looking at pictures and drawing images, letters, and forms. I always kept sketchbooks, and was always drawing what interested me. By the time I was in high school, it was clear to me that this was what I wanted to do.

BN: How did you evolve your style? What are your main mediums?

CA: Presently I am working with line, shape, and color. I think the best way to describe what I am doing in my studio practice is eliminating the excess information and bringing it down to the simple forms.

My main mediums are colored pencil, gouache, flashe, and acrylic paint.

BN: How many pieces have you created and do you have a favorite?

CA: In the current body of work, started in December 2013, I have produced approximately 344 pieces that have been exhibited. This work includes an 8 ft x 24 ft mural that was installed in New Haven, Connecticut, from May to October of 2017 and 38 sketchbooks. I love working on paper, and my favorites would be many of the 8 x 8” and sketchbook #18.


BN: Was any piece particularly challenging?

CA: The mural was challenging and at the same time, it was amazing to see the process work from the sketchbooks, 6 x 6” and 8 x 8” squares, to 4 x 4’ wood panels.

BN: How did you initially go about getting your work featured in galleries?

CA: I had started out in cooperatives and would look for ways of integrating community and art.

BN: What is the most rewarding thing about working as an artist?

CA: Simply, the process of creating work.

BN: What advice would you give to a person who is striving to be a professional artist?

CA: Keep working every day. It was the best advice that I received.