Wondering if there is mail delivery on Presidents Day and if your local post office will be open on Monday, February 20? Also known as Washington's Birthday, the federal holiday is observed annually on the third Monday in February and that means government office will be closed, including the U.S. Post Office. However, that doesn't mean you won't get mail delivered to your home or office on Monday — certain types of mail qualify for holiday delivery. Find out more below.

If getting to the post office to buy stamps or mail a package is on your to-do list on Monday, you'll have to wait until Tuesday when all USPS branch offices reopen.

And while there will be no general mail delivery on Monday, there are two types of packages that will be out for delivery on Presidents Day. Here's the scoop.

Holiday mail delivery

All U.S. Post Office locations will be closed on Monday, February 20 and will reopen with normal business hours Tuesday, February . Although there is no general mail delivery on Presidents' Day, you may see some delivery trucks out on the road on Monday.

According to the USPS, packages that are marked "Priority Mail Express" will be delivered to their recipient on the holiday if it is scheduled to be delivered that day. In addition, many Amazon packages may be delivered on Presidents Day, but it's important to check your Amazon account to get the exact delivery date.

What about UPS and FedEx — open or closed?

The U.S. Postal Service will be closed all day on Presidents' Day but that doesn't mean everything will be closed. In addition to mall, retail stores, and restaurants, UPS and FedEx will be open for business and delivering packages across the U.S. and around the world.

Monday is a federal holiday but two delivery companies (FedEx and UPS) will be open for business.

That means you can ship packages or pick them up at your local FedEx or UPS location. Both companies will have their iconic trucks on the road as well — all packages will be delivered to homes and businesses according to the regular weekday schedule.

Is anything else open on Presidents' Day?

If you have Monday off, you can shop 'til you drop at Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Macy's and other big box or mall stores.

According to Deal News, there are plenty of Presidents' Day sales going on at retail stores on Monday, so take advantage of the holiday deals if you enjoy spending your hard-earned money on your day off.

Expect to find most chain restaurants and supermarkets open on Monday as well. In addition, there's a good chance you will find your local movie theater open as well — what better way to celebrate having Presidents' Day off then heading to the movies for a few hours of entertainment?