Epic Games has officially released a new “Fortnite” update that brought in new content to the game alongside some bug fixes and quality of life improvements. The V5.2 patch also contained some upcoming cosmetics that were eventually leaked and are likely to be introduced in the days to come. Data miners are still digging deeper into the game files as they are expecting to discover more stuff other than the usual. Several data miners recently tweeted out about some of the stuff that got added in the latest update. According to their recent posts, it looks like players will be introduced to new items such as the Grappling Hook, Zipline, and a new foraged item dubbed in the game files as a Prickly Pear.

Sniper Shootout 3.0 in the files

Cross (@CrossLeaks) also noticed that the Limited Time Mode known as Sniper Shootout was also added to the files of the V5.2 patch. This may well seem to have confirmed the Heavy Sniper Rifle in the game’s battle royale mode. He even leaked the LTM’s description for its third version:

  • Sniper weapons only
  • Take out targets from a distance
  • No revives
  • Eliminated players will be taken back to the lobby
  • Build tactically
  • Materials will be harder to come by than normal

Game assets for a so-called Trap Cage were also found within the game files by @Fortnitee_Leaks and @ISkyTryk_. An audio file of this asset was also posted over on Twitter and it hints at the possibility that a new trap could be in the works.

Meanwhile, one of the leaked skins known as the Galaxy could be deemed as the odd one out among the roster of new outfits with its celestial looks. That said, players are now musing as to how they can acquire this cosmetic as it is believed that it will not be sold in “Fortnite’s” Item Shop.

Sudanym (@sud4nym) claims that the Galaxy will be labeled as a Battle Royale Starter Kit and can only be purchased with real money.

He even tweeted out a screenshot showing a string of codes that backs up his claim.

Battle Star and treasure locations

Loading screens for both weeks 5 and 6 were also discovered in the V5.2 update.

The images provided clues as to where the secret Battle Stars are located, (credit goes out to u/Featured Rhino):

  • Week 5 – on the roof of an outpost surrounded by cacti next to the racetrack in square I6
  • Week 6 – on top of a cooler on the back of a red pickup truck in Risky Reels

In line with this, an image of the week 5 treasure map has just been rolled out and it shows where to look at Greasy.