"Fortnite's" Epic announced a few months ago that their MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game "Paragon" would be shutting down in April. That was sad news to fans of the game and its unique user interface. Today (March 19), though, according to Unreal Engines Twitter, they have released $12 million worth of assets from "Paragon," including character packs and environmental textures for free to Unreal Engine 4 developers. Game creators can now download these packs inside the Unreal Engine 4 marketplace for free, with no strings attached and begin using them in their own projects immediately!

The initial release of free "Paragon" content includes over 20 of their characters, each with different variations, sounds effects, dialogue, and thousands of textures. This is just the beginning though, as more character releases are scheduled.

The environmental release includes of 1,500 different assets located through the maps of Monolith and Agora! The same goes for these assets, drop in and begin using in your personal projects as soon as you want, no strings attached! Class up any game in a matter of minutes by downloading these free gifts and making your game a little more green and luscious.

More 'Paragon' assets to come this year!

This has just been the first wave of the free releases!

Epic Games plans on releasing more character packs throughout the year that are valued at millions of more dollars! This is unheard of, but with "Fortnite" performing the way that it is, and "Paragon's" player base on the decline, why not make the best of it and contribute to independent game developers everywhere?

It's a shame that "Paragon" is shutting down, I enjoyed playing it but all good things much come to an end.

What better end than to get free stuff? Keep an eye out in the marketplace for more free character packs throughout the year and download them now!

What's the future for Epic Games?

With "Paragon" closing, and "Fortnite" a worldwide phenomenon, what's next for Epic Games? "Fortnite" won't last forever, will it? With their amazing track record of video games and seeing them shut some down, what will they create to fill this void?

They are continually adding to "Fortnite" every day and news about it is released on Twitter every hour it seems. What would you like to see for Epic Games next, epic, game?

What do you think of Epic Games giving away their assets for free? Should developers use them in their own games or create with their own image in mind?