Sony brought “Jak And Daxter: The Precurser Legacy” to the PS4 in August and announced yesterday that “Jak II,” “Jak 3,” and “Jak X Combat Racing” will be available to download on the PlayStation Store on December 6. This appears to be different from the collection made for PS3 in 2012, that collection didn’t include the combat racing game. But it did have stereoscopic 3D for the other three. The games will be $14.99 each or can be purchased as a bundle for $39.99.
Accidentally put on PlayStation Store
Last month the “Jak and Daxter” bundle was seen by reddit user empathetical, who took a screenshot.
The screenshot features “Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy” and the following games, “Jak II,” “Jak 3,” and “Jak X: Combat Racing.” The bundle was quickly taken down from the store but looks like it will be back on December 6.
The start of something special
The game's franchise were Naughty Dog’s attempt to push 3D platformers of the N64 and PSOne era to the next level, introducing open-world environments, varied gameplay, and a strong emphasis on story.
Naughty Dog released “Jak II” on October 14, 2003 on the PS2, two years after its predecessor, with something new. The game introduced a new shooting mechanic and Jak was able to speak for the first time. This gave players the ability to hear and experience his point of view using his voice, instead of relying on Daxter’s comments.
SIEA associate producer, Bryan Pardilla, stated that this gave Naughty Dog the ability to explore new narrative techniques, which allowed them to create a more in-depth story.
The game evolved from a lighthearted series to a darker vision of the future’s past world where the main characters go against dark forces. The developers explored narrative tropes that laid the foundation for the evolution of their highly innovative story telling.
This put them on the path that led to the creation of future successful franchises such as “Uncharted” and “The Last of Us.”
Adding 1080p resolution and PS4 features
These games are going to be up-rezzed to 1080p resolution and adding PS4 features such as PlayStation Network Trophies, Share Play, and Remote Play.
Sony also announced that they will be adding the Legacy Dashboard Theme, which was created by Truant Pixel, on the PlayStation Store. It will cost $2.99 and will be released on December 6 as well. This theme uses the sights and sounds from the previous console, which will make the PS4 screen more nostalgic to users.