Christopher Barrett, a game designer from Bungie, took to Twitter on Friday, Dec. 22 and made some huge promises to fans of "Destiny 2." According to Barrett, there will be some major changes to the game come 2018. Included in these changes are brand new seasonal armor Ornaments, including Sparrows, Ghosts, Ships and Shaders - all added to the reward pools.
Barrett also said that the Raid itemization would be refactored across the game, where the most difficult activities would reward players the most.
He also said that Bungie has listened to "Destiny 2" players feedback concerning Eververse and there will a lot of discussion within the developmental team and they will update players in 2018 on changes coming.
Finally, Barrett said that they have "short-term solutions" for Vault space, which is in the works.
The reaction from 'Destiny 2' gamers
It is always nice to hear from developers, as fans of the "Overwatch" series know full well, The director of that game is constantly reaching out to gamers to let them know what is coming and what is in the works. It is nice to hear from Christopher Barrett and Bungie about "Destiny 2" and know that they are listening to gamers and are making changes accordingly.
However, not all gamers took the comments well. One response on Twitter claimed that there have been too many "broken promises" and people need to wait because actions speak louder than words. Barrett actually responded to that commenter and said that he should hold Bungie to those standards because delivering the goods to "Destiny 2" is what matters.
Others were more praiseworthy, with one Twitter user saying that Barrett "always delivers" and the community appreciates him. At the end of the day, the main thought was "wait and see,"
What does this mean for 'Destiny 2'?
Heading over to Reddit, "Destiny 2" players were also skeptical. One mentioned that all the additions of things to collect doesn't mean too much when they are all stuck behind a "pay wall" and many consider it a way for Bungie to try to get even more money from gamers who already ponied up for the game.
The main thought there was that they will also believe that improvements are coming when they see it but want Bungie to put gamers ahead of making as much money as they can. Bringing the "Destiny 2" game back to normal is a way to try to win disenfranchised players back over, but doing it without stripping everyone's wallets might be a better offering.