PS Plus has delivered a few great months, with PS4 owners getting "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" for October. With the quality of Free Games in an upward trajectory, and Sony potentially wanting to release something big due to Microsoft dropping the Xbox One X soon, fans were hoping for another great month.
Unfortunately, November's PS Plus is a step-back from recent offerings. It is by no means terrible, but there is nothing particularly exciting for PS4.
PS Plus highlight is 'Until Dawn: Rush of Blood' for PSVR
Before getting to the PS4 titles, the standout name added to PS Plus for the upcoming month has to be "Until Dawn: Rush of Blood" for PSVR.
Unlike the PS4 version of "Until Dawn," "Rush of Blood" is an on-rails arcade shooter with some horror sprinkled throughout. For those who do not particularly enjoy a good scare, this one is nowhere near as terrifying as something like "Resident Evil 7."
It is free and definitely worth a try. There are very few must-play games on the PSVR, but "Until Dawn: Rush of Blood" is one of them.
PS4 gets 'Worms Battlegrounds' and 'Bound'
As previously mentioned, PS Plus has knocked it out of the park recently for PS4 free games. Besides "The Phantom Pain," the previous months were headlined by "inFAMOUS: Second Son" and "Just Cause 3," so "Worms Battlegrounds" feels like a huge step-down. This turn-based strategy game is not exactly bad, although the 62 aggregate score on Metacritic suggests it is barely above average, but it would be understandable if players feel disappointed.
"Worms Battlegrounds" is the latest entry in the popular "Worms" PlayStation franchise, offering over 20 single-player missions. There is a decent amount of content here, with fun and addictive gameplay. Just do not go in expecting something fantastic.
"Bound" was billed second out of the PS4 free games, but it is honestly the more exciting of the two.
Developed by SCE Santa Monica and Plastic Studios, this PS Plus freebie mixes platforming challenges with gorgeous imagery and a great soundtrack. It has a relatively short campaign, and does not quite match the brilliance of something like "Journey," but precious few games provide a similar experience.
PS Plus hits the bottom of the barrel for PS3
While PS Vita owners can try out "Dungeon Punks" and "Broken Sword 5," one has to wonder whether Sony should just stop with the PS3 titles, as they seem to be out of options. "R-Type Dimensions" and "Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic" are the two games for this month, although they are hardly worth mentioning.