The entire "Pokemon GO" fandom is all hyped up yet again now that hints of Gen three monsters will soon be dropped from the game. While fans wait for an official announcement, another developer – Elyland – recently released an AR title that is very much similar to Niantic's brainchild.
Feels like it, looks like it
The new AR game dubbed as "Draconius GO" is gaining traction among mobile game players albeit only being around for just a couple of days.
The game took the "Pokemon GO" model and built their game from there. However, its developer might have taken down some notes about what is still missing with Niantic's game as they've added those features into their own title.
Some of the features that can be found in "Draconius GO" include an evenly distributed spawn, a daily quest system, and the PvP battles that has been longing for by the "Pokemon GO" player base. Nevertheless, it can't be denied that its map and gameplay is strikingly similar to Niantic's game that some game pundits deem it as a clone.
The game also has this artifact system where players can be equipped with these items to gain some advantage within the game.
However, those who already took it for a test run find these artifacts a bit pricey.
The idea of entering another dimension was also chipped in through portals that will lead players to an alternate world known as Arcana. This area of the game allows players to capture " a new element of creatures" not to mention that it will lead them to the Mother of Dragons that has the ability to hatch Ancient Eggs. These eggs, on the other hand, may well seem to have been inspired by HBO's "Game of Thrones" as its physical features have hints from the show.
It has PvP
Once players have reached level nine, "Draconius GO's" PvP feature will be unlocked. Remember that you must upgrade those players before you can expect them to slug it out on the game mode.
Otherwise, they will be overwhelmed by more powerful players from the get-go. It is also noteworthy to mention that the game has a tap and swipe system similar to "Pokemon GO." Nonetheless, it's a known fact among "Pokemon" players that this controller setup is not that intuitive, though this has yet to be seen with "Draconius GO."
Meanwhile, "Pokemon GO's" Halloween event still has no definite date of release. However, Niantic is in the process of updating the game to version 0.79.2 for Android and 1.49.2 for iOS. Check out a video about the game here: