Guerilla Games recently confirmed that The Frozen Wilds will be the only expansion for the PlayStation 4-exclusive video game, Horizon Zero Dawn.” But what should fans and PlayStation 4 gamers expect on “Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds?”

In an interview with PlayStation Official Magazine UK (issue #142, December 2017), lead quest designer David Ford and lead writer Ben McCaw shed some light about the upcoming expansion set for release this coming November 7th.

In addition to new skills and features, the two executives also spoke about weapon upgrades and gameplay improvements among other things, including a new tribe and territory.

High difficulty level

Unlike other expansion games, playing “Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds” won’t require players to complete the original game first. As such, players can pretty much purchase and install the expansion set and lead Aloy to another journey. David Ford warns the gamers, though – this expansion pack is not for the faint of heart.

“We consider it to be more of a mid-to-end game in terms of the difficulty set.” The game’s lead quest designer also teased that “Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds” is incorporated with new gameplay and various enhancements.

Upgrades and tweaks

Ford revealed that they integrated “some quality of life improvements in the new skills and also added a little bit of a pizzazz.” In addition, there will be new skill sets related to combat and interaction with machines on “The Frozen Wilds.”

Gamers would be delighted to know that “The Frozen Wilds” brings brand new weapons as well as upgraded versions of weapons which are already present in the original game. Ford did not reveal though how the upgrade will come in; instead, he teased that they have done some tweaks within the game’s systems.

Dangerous territory

In connection with the level of difficulty that Ford mentioned, Ben McCaw revealed that exact location where the expansion pack will take place – the border zone between the Carja and the Banuk.

The game’s lead writer suggested that this disputed territory is a very dangerous area mostly inhabited by the Banuk.

On the other end lies the tribe of the desert-dwelling city builders, the Carja. Reading between the lines, “The Frozen Wilds” expansion pack will bring a new tribe and a new conflict between the Banuk and the Carja.

“[With writing the DLC] we wanted to do all the things that the main game did. So we wanted to provide a new area, a new culture, but we also wanted to give Aloy relationships to delve into and ultimately a storyline that does what a lot of other quests in the game do,” McCaw shared.

In addition to the new weapons, a new territory and the Banuk tribe, the game developers also decided to extend the level cap from 50 to 60. “The Frozen Wilds” expansion pack can be purchased for $19.99; PS Plus subscribers will get a $5.00 discount.