Yesterday, October's Games With Gold titles were announced. As usual, there are two Xbox 360 games, which will both automatically become backwards compatible, and two Xbox One games. Also one of September's Games With Gold for the Xbox One, “Oxenfree,” will still be available to download until October 15.
'Rayman 3 HD'
“Rayman 3 HD” will be free to download from October 1 until the fifteenth and will become backwards compatible the first day it is available.
The game came out back in March 2012 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 as a high-definition rerelease of 2003's “Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc.”
It is a platformer revolving around Rayman's quest to stop an evil black lum from taking over the world and is also noted for its lightheartedness. The game received a Metacritic score of 69 from 17 critic reviews when it came out. Since the game was part of Xbox Live Arcade, it only has 12 achievements worth 200 Gamerscore.
'Medal of Honor: Airborne'
“Medal of Honor: Airborne” will be free to download from October 16 until the thirty-first and, like “Rayman 3 HD,” will become backwards compatible the day it is available.
The game came out back in March 2007 and was met with decent reviews, earning a 73 from 54 critic reviews on Metacritic.
Playing as fictional soldier Private First Class Boyd Travers of the 82nd Airborne Division, players fight throughout Europe as they parachute behind enemy lines. The game has 46 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore.
'Gone Home: Console Edition'
“Gone Home: Console Edition” will be free to download for the entire month of October. The console edition came out in January 2016, featuring enhanced graphics and audio. Its PC counterpart came out back in August 2013 and received a Metacritic score of 86 from 56 critic reviews.
“Gone Home” is a first-person point-and-click adventure game that has players play as Katie Greenbriar, who must find out what took place in her childhood home after returning from an overseas trip.
The game has 10 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore.
'The Turing Test'
“The Turing Test” will be free to download from October 16 until November 15. The game came out last August from Xbox One as part of the Xbox ID Program and was also released on PC at the same time. It is a first-person puzzle game that sees the player take on the role of engineer Ava Turing at a research station on Europa.
“The Turing Test” has received positive reviews, earning an 80 score on Metacritic from 16 reviews. It has 15 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore.