"Shenmue" is an open world action adventure game series created and produced by Yu Suzuki. It is a highly acclaimed role playing video game franchise. The games have been made available on many different platforms such as Xbox, mobile phones, and Microsoft Windows.
A new game in the series labeled "Shenmue 3" was initially supposed to come out a long time ago, but it was canceled and the team launched a Kickstarter to amass funds to create the game. They were able to get the funds to make the game and now it is set to come out next year.
There are actually a lot of great exclusive PlayStation games arriving next year.
In addition, there have been many surprises for PlayStation fans such as other highly acclaimed series "Jak and Daxter," coming to the PlayStation 4.
Latest details
A teaser trailer has been released for the Sony-backed game by information in an article written by Eddie Makuch via Game Spot. The trailer came out two days ago and featured small details of the work in progress. The trailer features both new and old characters. In addition, it shows off the stunning open world.
Although, the game is still in development and the trailer does not show the complete interactive work. In fact, people have criticized the trailer for the still facial expressions and other under-developed details. However, the trailer shows beautiful environments that the game is well known for.
The environments range from caves, lakes, and villages. The nightlife shown in the trailer is absolutely stunning. In addition, a love story is at play here and brawling between different people.
Gets a publisher
The game has recently found a publisher in noted studio Deep Silver. The studio has created hit games like, "Saints Row," "Dead Island," and "Homefront." All of these games are pretty notable and most have been successful.
It is being developed at "Ys Net for PlayStation 4 and PC," as indicated in the article. Getting the game to go into production has been through its own ups and downs. It was funded on Kickstarter and was able to get "70,000 backers pledging more than 6.3 million--and more have likely been raised since." It shows that many people want this game to be produced and released to the public.
There are a lot of dedicated fans of the game series as indicated by the funds. "Shenmue 3," was actually announced back at the E3 conference in 2015, but there has been delays and confusion over whether the game would be made. It is safe to say that now it is going to be made and released later down the line.
Dedicated fans of the series and other gamers will be waiting to get the game. It could end up being very successful or it could be a total disappointment. At least fans have now gotten a release date and now know that it is going to be published.