There is a new Pokemon on the loose with reports that Shiny Pikachu has been released in Japan. He is the latest limited edition pocket monster after Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos, something that should entice augmented reality players to get up and go.

The Shiny Pikachu started spawning at the Pikachu Outbreak even in Yokohama, a must-have to add to a player’s Pokedex. Aside from adding the new rare to one’s collection, it also gives players the chance to evolve it to a Shiny Raichu. As of this writing, no one has successfully gone that far according to Eurogamer.

Shiny Pikachu’s global release

While folks in Japan are busy trying to capture the rare pocket monster, “Pokemon Go” players around the globe are eager to find out if the critter will be available in other regions.

Though Niantic has not announced anything yet, most believe that it will eventually happen, Game Spot reported. A lot of that is because Niantic has begun to release region-specific creatures in places like Europe. Similar to the release in Japan, that was for a limited time also.

It seems that Niantic is defining and selecting the Pokemon to come out in specific regions. Seeing however that the Shiny Pikachu is another variant of the themed critters that came out in the past (i.e. Santa-hat and Party-hat versions), the probability of seeing the Shiny variant is pretty much high.

Could that be for the Japan event only?

Speaking of region specific regions where Pokemon critters are released, there could be some cause for concern. Since the release of the shiny version was meant for the Pokemon Company's Pikachu Outbreak event in Japan, it could be an exclusive offering.

Other than that, there seems to be no reason to believe that a Shiny Pikachu would be coming out, seeing how this Pokemon is technically another specialized variant.

It remains to be seen though if the stats it would have will be better than the ones most come across their daily catches.

While that remains to be seen, most would best focus on the ones actually available. Kangaskhan and Unown are currently the critters up for grabs in Europe while Zapdos is the pocket monster to target in Raid Battles until Aug. 14.

The best thing to do now for gamers is to wait as Niantic maps out its plans. Other than that, there are the bug fixes expected for the AR game. A new update is reportedly set to roll out, one that will also include the re-introduction of Team Instinct’s leader, Spark. A detailed list of the things to expect can be found in the full Pokemon Go patch notes.