The latest updates for "Crash Bandicoot N. Trilogy" will feature a new evidence for the Xbox One version and Activision making more remastered games in the future.

Xbox Version spotted in 'Crash' website

It seems that Xbox users will now have a chance "Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy" on the Xbox One console as the "Buy Now" section of the game's official website added two exciting options. The first option will have players choose what game platform they want to buy aside from the PlayStation 4 version, while the second option will ask them if they want the standard or the deluxe packaging of all three "Crash" games.

The first option already intrigued gaming fans as the chances of the "Crash Bandicoot" remastered going to the Xbox One console are now high. Vicarious Visions artist Kara Zisa teased the game for the Xbox One by publishing a user interface featuring the console's control button in her resume.

However, given the lack of confirmation from the game's publisher Activision, gaming fans will just have to take the information with a grain of salt until the publisher and developers make an official announcement within the year.

'Spyro' remastered next?

With the commercial success of "Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Activision looks to continue to plan more remastered versions of old and classic video game titles in their future plans.

It was during the post-earnings conference call with the investors, Activision Blizzard discussed the performance of the "N. Sane Trilogy" and the possibility of more remastered games as the investors gave them the "green light" to make their plans a reality.

"We knew that there was a passionate audience out there for Crash - full disclosure, myself among them - but we had no idea," Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg said.

It's hard to tell that's a vocal minority, or that's a mass audience until you put something out there. Crash has surpassed all our expectations by a pretty wide margin.

Gaming fans speculated that "Spyro the Dragon" series will be Activision's next remastered project and will likely follow the same format as the original "Crash" trilogy games from the PlayStation 1 era.

The "Spyro" series is one the most successful adventure games on the PS1 and the spunky dragon has been featured in the "Skylanders."

The video game publisher also teased that a remastered version of "Crash Team Racing" and a new sequel to the popular franchise soon.