Total War” has also been envisioned as a trilogy, a three-game cycle where each individual game will eventually combine into a single strategy sandbox. This is what makes “Warhammer 2” special, as many of its features, including factions, have been planned out even before the official development for the first game started.

Being a sequel, it presents the idea of improvement – which is exactly what “Total War: Warhammer 2” is all about. What didn’t work out before has been eliminated, bringing in welcome changes for the game, including a bigger map, which drastically doubles the size of the game.

Lizards, Elves, and something else

Total War: Warhammer 2” will have four new races – the Lizardmen, High Elves, Dark Elves, and one more, which according to Sega-Creative Assembly’s communications manager Al Bickham “hasn’t been ratified yet.” The good folks over at Eurogamer had the lucky opportunity to talk with the developer, and they strongly believe the fourth race is “obviously” the Skaven, something that’s been teased before. A red-eyed rat also appears, albeit brief, at the end of the debut trailer. Game director Ian Roxburgh later said that it was "just a rat," though.

The sequel is larger than life – four new races across four continents – all divide by a huge ocean with lots of dynamic storms.

Early access to the game had testers comment on the size of the area, to which Sam Miller, lead development manager of the game, confirmed quite happily.

“It’s roughly the same size, going from the Old World to the New World. But when they combine it’s obviously bigger than either,” Miller told Venture Beat.

‘Warhammer 2’s’ combined campaign; E3 appearance

There are probably a dozen (or more) things to watch out for when “Total War: Warhammer 2” releases later this year, but a major feature deserving its own spotlight is its “combined campaign” mode. In it, players will be able to take the reins of any of the game’s eight factions and march across the entire, combined land mass of the two games.

All these will be experienced on E3, as Sega has confirmedWarhammer 2” will be playable on the show floor. Hopefully, this is where we’ll see the Skaven as well. The game does not yet have a specific release date, but it's due out sometime before the end of 2017. Like the first game, it will probably be released with a T rating before receiving blood and gore DLC at a later date, as has also happened with many other “Total War” games.