With E3 2017 being less than two weeks away, publisher Focus Home Interactive is planning on showing off a strong lineup of their upcoming games at the event. One of the developers, Dontnod Entertainment, will be showing off their new game "Vampyr" at the event. However, what was not anticipated was that a potential "Life is Strange" prequel would be leaked.

What will Focus Home Interactive show at E3 2017?

While Paris-based developer Focus Home Interactive will not be giving a press conference like some of the major publishers, they plan on having a large presence at E3 2017 on the show floor. The only game that will be shown off that is already out is Deck13 Interactive's "The Surge," which has been met with solid reviews. It is expected that DLC or the possible addition of co-op will be shown off.

Developer Cyanide will be showing off their game, "Call of Cthulhu," which is a semi-open world role-playing survival horror game based on the work of H.P.

Lovecraft. The game is expected to release in the 4th quarter of 2017 and will be on Xbox One, PS4 and Microsoft Windows.

The other game Cyanide will be showing off is "Werewolf: The Apocalypse." The game will be set in White Wolf's World of Darkness Universe. Little is known about the game, but it will be an RPG and you will play as a werewolf, as the title suggests.

Dontnod Entertainment's newest game is "Vampyr," which has a 2017 release date and will be on Xbox One, PS4 and Windows. The action-RPG takes place in London during the Spanish Flu pandemic, where players will play as a World War 1 doctor who must deal with having become a vampire against his will.

New World Interactive is working on 'Insurgency: Sandstorm', which also has a 2017 release date.

It will be the third-game in the series and is a gritty FPS that will star a female protagonist who escapes slavery and joins a rebellion.

Asobo Studios' "A Plague Tale: Innocence" is set in 14th century France during plague and the Inquisition. The action-adventure game puts players in control of two children, siblings Amica and Hugo. Lastly, is Spiders game "Greedfall," which was only revealed about three months ago. Not much is known about the game, but it is also an RPG which features a clash between mysticism and the birth of industry.

'Life is Strange' prequel leaked?

"Life is Strange" sold over three million copies and was a giant success for developer Donned Entertainment. Just a few weeks ago, Dontnod announced that they are working on a sequel to their hit game.

However, a few days ago there were leaked images on Imgur that suggested that a prequel was being developed by Deck Nine Games. The prequel will revolve around Chloe Price and Rachel Amber's friendship, and Chloe's transformation into the person that gamers meet in the original game.