What happens when you become angry about something and the situation does not improve, though you must carry on, perhaps even for a number of years? How long does it take for 'normal' anger to become something like chronic anger, which, as reported in US News, could increase the risk of heart attack, cause damage to the immune system, increase susceptibility to infection, create higher blood pressure, stroke, insomnia, diabetes, reduced sexual performance, fatigue, mental fogginess, and unfortunately “The Big C,” cancer. And this small list of symptoms does not include what an alternative physician (or plastic surgeon) might say on the matter.
Anger and rage vs. depression
There’s a good deal of information on the internet about foods that can enliven and awaken individuals out of a slump, and while anger is oft more associated with the potential for abusive situations and criminality... Soooo, what happens when a person does not feel themselves to be floating around on some dark and ominous cloud of rumination, but instead, knows exactly what is bringing them down and is incredibly upset and angered by it? Of course, stepping away from situations that aggravate angry feelings is a great way for an individual to stay out of trouble, but what is actually happening internally to their bodies over time? How does one cope while remaining healthy, and without denying they are angry and/or keeling over with fibroids?
Violence, Aggression, and Our Food, a Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine editorial published in October 2017, stated that a diet consisting of essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids), as well as a “wide range” of vitamins and minerals, reduces anger and aggressive behavior for children, adolescents, and adults.
Factors linking abnormalities in essential fatty acid metabolism and violent behavior was observed over thirty years ago the report says. An Oxford University study involving prison inmates showed that deficiencies of vitamins B and C and well as minerals manganese and magnesium are likely to shorten the proverbial fuse. Peas are a vegetable that contains all four of these nutrients.
What to eat
A diet rich in foods that contain Omegas 3 and 6, including almonds, broccoli, spinach, olive oil, eggs, whole grain foods, walnuts, flax, and hemp will work to protect and sustain the body’s health while helping to prevent many of its detrimental effects.
What to avoid
A study conducted by the University of California, and reported by The Alternative Daily, showed that the more Trans Fats one consumes, the angrier the person is likely to become. Avoid vegetable oil which contains trans fats, as well as other artery-clogging foods such as fried cookies, crackers, frozen waffles, potato chips, donuts, and frozen waffles, all of which consist of 30 to 50 percent trans fats.