During the 1960's and 1970's sugar was not the enemy it is today, and many children's cereals were loaded with it. Some actually had the condiment included in the name and were promoted heavily during Saturday morning cartoons. There was Kelloggs Sugar Frosted Flakes, Sugar Pops, and Sugar Puffs Today excessive sugar is considered unhealthy, and these foods have been renamed as Corn Puffs, Frosted Flakes, and Corn Pops.

Back then, however, Boys And Girls enjoyed the sweet taste, and one product even had a mascot to promote the brand. Baby boomers, (born between 1948-1964) grew up with a character called Sugar Pops Pete who encouraged you to enjoy the cereal he was named for.

Sugar Pops Pete a childhood favorite

Back when Saturday morning was the only time cartoons ruled the big 3 networks of CBS, NBC, and ABC, sugar was king. One of the tastiest cereals that was loaded with the condiment was Kelloggs Sugar Pops. To advertise the product and gain a loyal following of boys and girls begging their parents to buy them a box was a character named Sugar Pops Pete. He was funny and witty, and his name invoked children to desire the brand that he was promoting.

Sugar Pops Pete was one of several official mascots for this product, and he reigned supreme from 1959-1967. Advertisers caught on quickly that they could sell many boxes of sugary cereals by promoting them to impressionable children. Back in that day the pitfalls of too much sugar in the diet were not being publicized as they are now, but the vitamin and mineral content of cold cereals was pointed out as a plus.

Baby Boomers the target audience

Young Baby Boomers watched as many commercials attempted to sell Sugar Pops evolved from black and white to color to animated. Many homes had this product on the shelves, and a lot of children would eat a bowl of the cereal each morning before heading out to school or while enjoying their favorite Saturday morning cartoon.

Now for the audience that was once targeted, the sweet stuff has been reduced, and this food item like several others simply does not taste the same.

Younger generations and their health-conscious parents did not grow up eating Kelloggs Sugar Pops and loving the antics of Sugar Pops Pete. They only know about Corn Pops, and no doubt believe this brand is a real treat. Baby Boomers, however, continue to recall in their memories and their taste buds a different day: a time when their favorite breakfast cereals were sweet, crunchy, and delicious and promoted by funny cartoon characters. Today the things that tasted good in the past are now being revealed to not be so good for our health.