A person’s brain is one of the most powerful machines in the Human Body as it is the responsible for controlling the movements and thoughts of a person. It also has the capability of storing a gigantic mass of data and information that every human being needs. As a matter of fact, even though the human body is at rest, the brain still does its job of working on its complex functions.

However, as the brain constantly tries to function the way it should, human beings also have the responsibility of assuring that this organ, which only weighs two percent of the total human body mass, receives enough vitamins and nutrients it needs so as to maintain its ability to handle stress, store memory and simply do the tasks that need to be done every day.

Here are some of the brain foods that you need to eat in order to save your memory.

Oil-based salad dressings

A study conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine in Rush University, Chicago revealed that foods which have high vitamin E content are good to develop the human brain’s data support. Vitamin E, which is mostly found in salad dressings that are oil-based, is an effective antioxidant which helps protect the human’s nerve cells or neurons. This can also be found in seeds, whole grains, peanut butter, and nuts.


Beets may seem too intimidating especially for people who have a memorable first encounter with it. But this kind of root vegetable is found to be an effective solution for the reduction of inflammation and helps reduce the risk of toxins in the blood.

The nitrate component of beets boosts the blood flow towards the human brain which likewise improves the mental performance of it. Beet intake coupled with proper exercise is also good to achieve higher performance and energy levels.


This green vegetable is considered to be one of the best brain foods that a person can eat.

Its high level of choline and vitamin K contents will help keep a person’s memory sharp. Vitamin K and choline, along with broccoli’s vitamin C content, are known to be some of the crucial nutrients which help a person improve brain functions. Studies even found out that people who eat broccoli have better performance on memory tests compared to those who hate the vegetable.


More than half of the human brain is made of fatty acids which are responsible for the brain’s function and structure. Two-thirds of it is the docosahexaenoic acid which is also known as DHA – an omega-3 fatty acid which is mostly found in oily fish such as salmon. DHA protects the human brain from injury as it also reduces the risk of cerebral inflammation. The best thing to save and improve a person’s memory is through eating foods such as salmon which are rich in DHA.