Little People, Big World: Matt Roloff shares lovely photos of his best flight

Matt Roloff of "Little People, Big World" goes to Cabo Baja at Easter - Image credit - TLC | YouTube
Matt Roloff of "Little People, Big World" goes to Cabo Baja at Easter - Image credit - TLC | YouTube

Matt flew out to Cabo, Baja and shared pictures of what he describes as the most spectacular single plane ride he's been on.

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Matt Roloff of 'Little People, Big World' shares overflying Lake Tahoe

Matt Roloff flew from Oregon and this was one of the first pictures he shared. Lake Tahoe looks stunning. Matt said that it was taken "looking west."


Flying over Yosemite 'LPBW' close up

The patriarch of 'LPBW' got a really good close-up of El Capitan. Matt Roloff got a nice angle of it.


Catalina Island seen from the air by Matt Roloff

The weather looked wonderful and it's so clear. In this photo, Matt shared a view of Catalina Island.

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