5 surprising foods that can help you sleep

5 surprising foods that can help you sleep. Image Credit: Farysej / Flickr
5 surprising foods that can help you sleep. Image Credit: Farysej / Flickr

Eating certain foods before bedtime could help enhance the quality of sleep you get daily.

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Some foods contain natural substances which could have sleep-inducing effects, while some could make it difficult to stay asleep. If you are battling with insomnia, it is important to stock your fridge with foods which could help improve your sleep pattern and help you relax better.


Walnuts and almonds

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds and flax seeds contain high levels of natural sedatives, magnesium, and tryptophan. These nuts aid in the boosting of the levels of serotonin, a chemical nerve cell in the brain.


Dairy products

Dairy products have sleep-inducing compounds such as tryptophan which relaxes the brain and could result in sleep-inducing effects.


Ripe bananas

The high levels of potassium, magnesium, and tryptophan contained in banana help to make sleep better.

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