5 disturbing viral animation videos that come from Extraweg

5 disturbing animations for the desk of Extraweg - Image credit - geralt | Pixabay
5 disturbing animations for the desk of Extraweg - Image credit - geralt | Pixabay

Extraweg on Instagram, somehow manages to combine beauty with gross. Extraweg is Oliver Latta, a talented artist based in Germany

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Disturbing videos come from Oliver Latta, also known as Extraweg. Often, his work goes viral on Twitter and Instagram. There's something oddly satisfying about watching them. Actually, it's like he combines gross with beauty and brings us something fascinating to look at.

In fact, that's kind of the reaction he expects. His official website says that he gets his inspiration from everyday things. It adds that "he likes playing with them and shows them in an ambiguous and uncomfortable way trying to focus on provoking sensations in the viewers, forcing them to think for themselves."

Mind Mag noted that "Oliver’s animations are disturbing but at the same time strangely beautiful and hypnotic." Here are 5 of his oddly disturbing viral videos.


The pimple popper-style animation

This starts off looking disturbing. Really, it doesn't get any less disturbing, but it is vaguely satisfying to watch.


Extraweg's grinding and angry animation

This animation represents someone angry and frustrated. He also uses the hashgtags "grinding," and "anxiety."

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