Twitter reacts to the New England Patriots game vs the San Diego Chargers

Twitter had some things to say about the AFC playoff game on Sunday [Image via Andrew Campbell/Flikr]
Twitter had some things to say about the AFC playoff game on Sunday [Image via Andrew Campbell/Flikr]

The AFC playoff game has not been the battle of the titans some had hoped and Twitter users have given their opinions.

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The game between the New England Patriots and the San Diego Chargers wasn't really a contest for very long. Twitter had some reactions to the game.


Taking on all comers

Yes, UCF is known for wanting to take on champions. No, they probably don't really want to take on the Patriots.


It's not even that cold!

This Twitter user has a point. On the other hand, it's not like they're playing in feet of snow.


Saying what we're all thinking

This user expected a better game. So did most football fans.

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