A section of people harbor doubts on the effect of global warming on the environment. They may one day come to realize that the trend of ice melt in Greenland is an indication of the serious threat faced by the world. The latest study reveals the pace of ice loss has increased fourfold since 2003. Large chunks of ice are breaking away from glaciers and are entering the Atlantic Ocean, where they melt due to the warm surroundings. The result is a sea level rise that translates into a major risk to habitats in coastal areas.

The Guardian reports Michael Bevis, lead author of the paper, highlighted the grave situation that arises from global warming and corresponding Greenland ice melts.

He says it will be dangerous for those who live in coastal areas and does not mince words when he adds, “This is going to cause additional sea level rise. We are watching the ice sheet hit a tipping point.”

Greenland has given the warning

The study relied on data from authentic sources like NASA’s gravity recovery and climate experiment (known as Grace) and GPS stations in Greenland. They used the information to analyze changes in the ice mass and tried to ascertain the future scenario, which appears to be a matter of concern. In the opinion of scientists, the ice sheets are up to three kilometers thick in places.

If such a huge mass of ice melts, “global sea levels would rise by seven meters, or more than 20ft, drowning most coastal settlements.”

The study also revealed the uneven nature of the rate of loss of ice in Greenland.

One observation is that the rate of ice melting was considerably faster in 2013 compared to that of 2003. Obviously, a decade made a big difference. Researchers feel this could be the effect of global warming from human-induced activities. Richard Alley, an expert in such subjects, blames humans because they are responsible for warming the planet which in turn melts the ice, and raises the sea level.

Melting of ice paints a grim picture

According to CNN, the melting ice from Greenland will affect many low-lying islands and coastal cities. Some of the world’s largest cities are in coastal regions while nearly half of the world's population live in areas that are vulnerable to rising seas. Michael Bevis cautions, “humanity may have passed the point of no return when it comes to combating climate change.”

In 2015, world leaders signed the Paris accord on climate change, decided to end the era of fossil fuels and embrace Renewable Energy like electric and solar energy.

US President Donald Trump did not sign the accord but there are Americans like Elon Musk who are pursuing solar energy as an option to reduce the generation of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.