Bears' Cody Parkey misses field goal: Memes, reactions to kicker hitting uprights

The Bears couldn't believe it when their kicker missed on the game-winning field-goal. [Image via NFL/YouTube screencap]
The Bears couldn't believe it when their kicker missed on the game-winning field-goal. [Image via NFL/YouTube screencap]

It was a tough loss for the Bears as Cody Parkey's late attempt at a field goal bounced off the post.

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Blasting News

The Bears had a near comeback win against the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday. However, Cody Parkey couldn't kick the necessary field goal at the end of the game. That brought on the boos when he left the field as Chicago fans were none too pleased.


Staley can't bear it

All puns aside, this is less of a meme, and more of a real life occurrence. Staley da Bear had a close up view of the kick that went awry and well, see for yourself how he feels about it.


Bears' Birdbox kicker

Everyone's seen "Birdbox" by now, so this meme has been used in so many ways. It was only a quick matter of time before it extended to the Chicago Bears' misfortunes.


Parkey loves poles

Parkey has skills for sure, as his accuracy when it comes to hitting the pole with the ball is on point. This video shows that skill off perfectly.

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