Five excellent movie trailers really can't adequately show the full range of incredible films that came out in 2018 and those set for release next year. However, there were so many, that for the purposes of this article, I came up with five that seemed to get the best reactions on YouTube. From "Bohemian Rhapsody" that get the hairs standing up on your neck, through to "Mission: Impossible - Fallout," relax and enjoy.
'Mission: Impossible - Fallout'
The trailer for this Tom cruise movie took you straight into some awesome fast-paced scenes. From the beginning, the action hits you. My top comment selected for this trailer came from @bellerophon30: "Whomever cut this He.....She.......They........Wow. This is one of the great trailers ever, and unlike some of the other pantheon trailers (Episode One, Suicide Squad), the movie lives up to it."
'Bohemian Rhapsody'
The "Bohemian Rhapsody" trailer is so good that people who saw the movie keep coming back to watch the trailer again. Here's what some fans had to say about the trailer. @PRO GAMER 2: "Who can't stop watching this trailer cause on how awesome it is?" Then @iftikhar rasha wrote, "This 2:30 minutes trailer itself is a masterpiece."