Chimpanzees engage in social conflict and politics much as humans do. In fact, while it's less common to kill ousted tyrants and cannibalize them these days, in history, humans did so on occasion. However, disturbing behavior recorded by an Iowa State University anthropologist, Jill Pruetz, noted that chimps did just that. The incident which was recorded under a study grant by National Geographic Society was reported to the International Journal of Primatology. She noted that chimpanzees ousted their tyrannical leader and later killed and cannibalized him.
Chimpanzee Foudouko, tyrannical leader
Foudouko was a tyrannical chimpanzee leader, National Geographic reported. He was the big boss of a troop of 30+ chimps in southeastern Senegal. The Independent UK noted that the troop finally ousted him and forced him to live on the outskirts of the community. In fact, he was "exiled for five years" before his death. The study noted that five years is rather a long time for a chimp to survive alone. However, he may have had political ambitions to make a comeback. Or, at least ambitions over grabbing a mate. As Michael Wilson, (Minnesota Univesity), who did not participate in the study said, it was "an interesting tension between cooperation and conflict."
Foudouko's ousting came when his second-in-command, a chimp named Mamadou, suffered a debilitating injury.
Vulnerable and exposed to other males who wanted to take over, he was chased away. For a while, he disappeared but returned to grovel around the outer edges of the troop. Meanwhile, the pack was taken over by Mamadou's brother, David. They let him alone as long as he was submissive. Nevertheless, those who had suffered under his rule chased him away often.
Royal female aggressive in cannibalizing him
His political allies must have been shocked to discover that Foudouko was eventually killed. Video footage of the discovery of the dead tyrant showed the chimps behaving wildly. Now, here's the bit that is amazing. David and Mamadou behaved differently. Mamadou tried to revive his old boss, dragging him around.
David seemed unmoved. But the most bitter and aggressive assaults on his body came from their mother, Farafa. It seems the royal lady really had it in for him. She "aggressively cannibalized Foudouko’s body," Nat Geo noted.
Although the study noted that killing within a troop is rare, chimps will attack and kill others in territorial disputes. However, in the case of Foudouko, scientists noted that he may have tried to get ahold of a female. Their society is not balanced. Males outnumber the females, and if he made a move on one, that might explain why they bit at his reproductive organs after his death. Since then, Mamadou was also chased away and attacked if he came too close.
What do you think of the chimpanzees outsing and killing their tyrannical leader? Do you think the royal female was behind the killing? Stay in touch with interesting news by following the Viral News channel on Blasting Pop.