Five historical lighthearted life hacks for Halloween

5 life hacks for halloween - Image credit Myriams Fotos | Pixabay
5 life hacks for halloween - Image credit Myriams Fotos | Pixabay

Every year, people come up with some life hacks for Halloween and post them to social media, here's five of them.

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Halloween Life hack for not dressing in a costume

This life hack was posted by KISS FM UK in 2015. It's a great idea for a Halloween party when you just don't feel like dressing up in a costume.


Scary ghost decoration life hack

This life hack from 2016 is self explanatory, but you can also use a clear fast-drying varnish spray can if you can't get fabric stiffener. These spooky bodyless shrouds will be a great addition to the party.


Make a 'bloody' candle life hack

Here's a life hack from 2014. Make a white candle look like blood dripped all over it by using two candles. Get one white candle, then burn a red one. Drip the red wax over the white one, and you have a bloody-looking Halloween decoration.

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