5 things you might want to know about outgoing UN ambassador Nikki Haley

5 things to know about outgoing UN ambassador NIkki Haley [Image via foreignpolicy.com/YouTube]
5 things to know about outgoing UN ambassador NIkki Haley [Image via foreignpolicy.com/YouTube]

Haley just announced she's leaving the Trump administration, at the end of the year, there are some things about her you might not already know.

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She's often talked about her friendship with the Trump children

Even in her going away speech on Tuesday morning, the U.N. Ambassador went out of her way to talk about Jared Kushner as a "hidden genius" and how Ivanka Trump is working, behind the scenes, for the American people.


She hasn't always been on the same page as the rest of the administration

This is especially true when talking about Russia. The outgoing U.N. ambassador has been quite a bit tougher, in her talk about Russia, than the president or his staffers. That even led to a rather famous claim, from inside the White House, that she "must have been confused." Her response, that she "doesn't get confused," was the comeback heard around the world.


She's faced racism from in her own party

During her first run as Governor of South Carolina (which she won) a Republican State Senator made derogatory comments about the Indian-American Republican woman.

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