Netflix has decided to permanently remove the desktop-only feature that allowed subscribers to write and read reviews of TV shows and movies in their library. CNET reported that Netflix has notified members who have recently posted reviews.

Currently posted reviews will disappear next month. Netflix released a statement saying that the feature is only available on the website and has seen a decline in use over time.

Netflix originally used a star system to rate their programs. It removed the rating system and ended up replacing it in last April with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down button. The new rating system was made to better refine personalized recommendation.

Netflix shared on their blog that they learned through testing that members were confused about how the star system worked. Now people are better able to understand the thumbs-up and thumbs-down system. Many people have criticized the new rating system. Forbes writer Paul Tassi called the system "useless." Netflix has said that they have received more ratings under the new system.

Netflix review system bogged down by trolls

The streaming platform has also had to deal with "review bombing," which happens when online trolls work to bring down show ratings with negative reviews. Reviews of "The Last Jedi" were quite negative. Both "The Last Jedi" and Amy Schumer's Netflix special were targets of "review bombing." By getting rid of the reviews, Netflix eliminates the ability of trolls to post hateful remarks, which leaves a negative mark on Netflix.

The user reviews were originally put in place during Netflix's time as a DVD rental service. Netflix has started relying more on their "percentage score" algorithm which is based on members' viewing habits. Engadget says that the score algorithm tailors to your own interests.

This type of personalized algorithm could become social media based and offer up recommendations based on what your friends like and have watched.

For those who want reviews and ratings, Netflix users can turn to RottenTomatoes, Metacritic, and IMDb, as well as entertainment sites, including Variety and AV Club. If you are brave enough, you can turn to Twitter and Facebook for reviews of the latest shows and movies.

Netflix members want an opportunity to provide feedback

Netflix's decision to remove reviews entirely is part of the ongoing battle with Netflix subscribers. Netflix members want more opportunities to provide feedback and improve their experience. Reddit user AlphaNetworks even said the decision was ridiculous because people will still say negative things about their shows.

Other users believe this is just an attempt by the company to escape negative reviews of Netflix original projects on the streaming platform. Netflix has not responded to that. Reddit user Cornthulhu said that people will still talk bad about their shows on another site.