It's always the mother's fault. This is just a catch-phrase that many will attempt to utilize when their behavior seemingly has no other explanation. Today (May 13), Donald Trump's late mother is getting the blame for her son's behavior. While as disturbing as this might sound, it isn't all bad.
A writer, who does not have the credentials to diagnose mental health disorders, has unofficially qualified himself to do so. He believes that the many years of research under his belt is enough to qualify him to recognize a case that falls under the attachment theory when he sees one, and he sees one in Trump.
I read a lot of books on this
While the writer, Peter Lovenheim, confesses to being unqualified as a medical professional to make a diagnosis of Trump regarding his behavior, he has decided to take a stab at it just the same. This might be the time to give thanks that his research didn't involve brain surgery or we could be talking about a totally different story and totally different outcome here.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018
Lovenheim describes his knowledge on the attachment theory coming from the many years of research he's done for a book. The attachment theory is described by the writer as the innate ability to seek and form an attachment at birth that continues through childhood.
It is a bond formed that is competent and reliable from a caregiver. He explains that we as humans do so because we are born helpless and this is our hardwired way of seeking out protection.
Bond or no bond, that is the question
He goes on to quote well-known and respected men and women in the psychology field from the past and present to back up this theory.
The success or failure of this formed attachment in a child's early years goes on to effect this person throughout life. When it comes to Donald Trump's late mother he cites Trump's own words when describing the woman who gave birth to him. He has called her "fantastic" and "tremendous" when describing her as a mom. He has had nothing but flattering things to say about his mother, Lovenheim writes in his article published online by Politico.
Detached from mom?
Lovenheim goes on to share what friends and family members have said about Trump's relationship with his mother. They have said that as a kid they "rarely saw Mrs. Trump." While a young Donald was in "awe of his father," he was "very detached from his mother." Idolizing a parent without the supporting evidence is a red flag for adults with avoidant attachment, cites Lovenheim. Apparently, he believes Trump is saying these wonderful things about his mother, but this is something he might not have experienced.
There was a time, when Trump was a youngster, that his mother took ill and while there is no documentation about how long his mom was bedridden after having a hysterectomy, the writer believes this separation might have some foundation in Trump's attachment problems.
Behaviors displayed
Those who have failed to achieve this bond with a parent early on often display behaviors that Lovenheim reports seeing in Trump. There are one or two ways this attachment theory comes into play as an adult, describes the writer. He said the adult who failed to make this attachment usually falls into one of two categories.
One, the other, or a little bit of both?
The first category is attachment anxiety, which prompts them to crave intimacy but at the same time find it is difficult to trust other people. These folks are constantly seeking reassurance, writes Lovenheim. The second is attachment avoidance, where they don't trust others and avoid relationships or feel they don't need anyone else.
Any relationships they do form tend to be unstable. This, Lovenheim points out, makes a good argument for the massive turnover of Trump's staff.
Strive to be independent and self-reliant
Folks with this attachment avoidance also tend to be people who desire "a high level of independence" and they also tend to be "excessively self-reliant," which when it comes to the position of the president of this great nation is not necessarily bad qualities to possess, suggests Lovenheim. Lovenhiem goes as far as saying that Trump's biographical record is "fairly strong on Trump’s failure to develop a healthy emotional attachment to either of his parents." This may be the foundation to his "tumultuous personal life" and at the same time bestowed traits that are useful for his latest career move into the White House.
Failure to thrive?
There you go... it's all on the mom. There is a lot more that builds a foundation in life than the few hits and misses stated by Lovenhiem when analyzing Trump's life. He went into the White House with a team that he believed could help fix things. When certain individuals fell short, Trump thought more of the nation than he did of his own ego and replaced them.
Someone who is looking for constant reassurance would more than likely not draw attention to some of the choices he made, falling short of his expectations by replacing them in their positions. Despite what some of the media would like the masses to believe, Trump has a solid relationship with Melania, who probably wouldn't be there if all the rumors spun about her husband were true.
Many are in awe of the way Donald Trump's kids adore him, so his relationship with his kids hasn't fallen short. If he didn't feel like he needed anyone, then why bring on some of his family members to work within the White House? The bottom line is that this is just a theory that the writer has shared. There are many theories out there constructed as attempts to explain just about any behavior ever displayed by a human being. They are just theories.