Personal security has become a major concern for many people who use social media to communicate. CNBC recently reported that over the weekend the data firm Cambridge Analytica paid to acquire Personal Information relating to more than 50 million current Facebook users. The information was then delivered to the Trump campaign, which they used to create targeted ads and raise appeal. This is just the latest reminder that our personal information is not as protected as many people might believe.

1. Be warned of those apps and time killing quizzes

Many people often take those random quizzes that are posted on Facebook.

I recently took the quiz, “What historical figure do you closely resemble.” While these quizzes are fun and a way to kill time, this was one of the ways that Cambridge Analytica was able to collect information on Facebook users. Some of the quizzes gave Cambridge University's Psychometrics Center the ability to collect private information from Facebook profiles including from their friends.

2. Change your privacy settings

Facebook has a long list of privacy settings which are available for you to fine tune. You can manage them by selecting settings and then clicking privacy. The panel that opens up allows you to set who is able to see your personal information whether it be phone number, friends, and posts.

You have the ability to change these settings so that only you can see this information.

3. Be aware of the actions of your friends

Your Facebook friends may not be using up-to-date privacy settings, meaning photos and posts you’re tagged in can be shared and viewed by other users. Facebook even warns you about this every time you post a status update or photo or even make a comment.

You could possibly encourage your friends to change their security settings, and only make friends with people you know and trust.

4. Time to say goodbye to those pesky third-party apps

Everyone these days gets invites from friends to play the latest Facebook game or other apps. However, when you accept those invites, you allow the games and apps to collect your personal data including name, username, friends list and so much more.

Most of the time you are required to share your personal information just to use the app.

5. Increase Facebook security settings

You can even improve your current Facebook security settings, allowing you to get an alert when Facebook detects a login from an unknown tablet, device or computer. It’s also recommended to use a two-factor authentication, which sends a code to your phone every time you log in. This helps prevent other users from getting into your account.

If all else doesn’t calm your worries, you can always just delete your Facebook account. According to CNBC, users have now discovered that information they shared on Facebook is being used in ways they did not approve of. Some have actually finally gotten tired of Facebook and their tactics and just gone ahead and deleted the account.